Sunday, October 14, 2012

All Things Lavender Town

OKAY! A lot of my people have been asking me about one thing


My friends have been dying to know why this was created, so im gonna write about it...
Lavender town is a town in the video game of Pokemon. (I dont really know why this is the thing they wanted me to talk about, but I like the story) 
While the other Pokemon games and series TV shows talks about capturing Pokemon and making friends, Lavender Town is all about death and possession. Pretty creepy for a Pokemon game right? Well it gets worse. From research (no copying intended) I have actually learned some made up stories about Lavender  town.
The first story is obviously fake but I think its kinda interesting. A boy was interested in the music played in Lavender Town. He tested the music frequencies and found that this frequency causes irritated skin, nausea, and muscle spasms. This is false because you can always change the frequencies and what music makes your skin itchy? So that's obviously crossed out as NOT TRUE.

The second story is called "Gary's Raticate" for non-pokemon fans, (including me) you need to understand that Pokemon trainers battle each other so their Pokemon will get stronger. So in this story, your character in the game goes up to your rival, Gary, says to you " Hey! Your Pokemon are not dead. So you want to battle?" 
This confused alot of people until it finally hit them. Before you arrive in Lavender Town in the game, you battle your rival. In that battle, Gary uses his Raticate. When you win, you dont see your rival until you get to Lavender town. So when you battle your rival in Lavender Town, he doesnt use his Raticate. Many people believe from that evidence that you killed his Raticate while battling him before entering Lavender Town. That adds to the creepiness of Lavender Town. I like this story because it takes evidence from the story
and makes suggestions.

From what I have learned from this video is that the creepiness goes on when a girl comes up to you and actually says "Give..Me..Blood" enjoy this video that kinda summarizes it all. :) 

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